Our First Camping Trip

It has been on our list to take the kids camping out in the Grampians National Park, for a while.

We can officially say that this has finally been completed.

With the park in our backyards, it made sense for it to be the place to visit for our first family camping adventure.

We selected Buandik Camping ground, which is located at the base of the Victoria Range. It’s approximately a 45min drive from Halls Gap.

Camping Buandik

Buandik is a simple camping ground, with non-flush toilets, shared fireplaces and shared picnic tables. There is no drinking water supplied.  If there is water in the creak then there is a creek-fed water tank, on this particular visit, the creek was bone dry, and thus the water tanks were empty.

There were plenty of other campers in this camp-site which approximately 40 other camping.

Many fitting in their last (long weekend – Australia Day) holiday, before heading back to the big smoke.

We arrived in the late afternoon and set up our tents and trailer. The kids were super excited.

Miles and I went for a stroll to collect some firewood. He was so chatty, he was having a complete ball.

With our collected firewood we of course had to have toasted marshmallows.

We got to watch the sunset, while we were all gathered around the campfire talking about anything and everything.

Buandik Camping

Once the sun had set, and the stars were bright in the sky, we all went to bed.

We all got a little bit cold, as the forecast was colder than what they advised. However, we all had a ball. Both kids asked (at separate times) if we could stay longer.

Next time, because there definitely will be.

6 thoughts on “Our First Camping Trip”

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