High Five Friday #31


It’s Friday and it’s also the first day of 2016!

Hello 2016.

This also means that it’s time for me to blog everyday for the next 31 days.

First up, lets take a look back 2015 with this weeks High Five Friday.

Five Pictures

  1. Kayla and I with our respected Spartan Race Medals
  2. Out and about in the Grampians National Park with the family.
  3. First day of school
  4. Easter Egg Hunt
  5. Running at dusk

Five Links

  1. Five Stretches Every Runner Needs
    No matter the distance, feel better with these stretches post-run
  2. A Beginners Guide to Handstand
    While I have slacked off in the handstand department, these are still great steps to get you to the handstand position.
  3. Advice on How to Prepare for a Marathon
    You could also apply the same rules for preparing for a half marathon, or any endurance race.
  4. So You Want to be a Runner
    Andrea will give you some great tips for runners just starting out.
  5. Stop Procrastinating
    With these 4 steps, and ways you start right now.

Five Best of RunMum 2015

  1. Being Fit Is
    I wrote this nearly a year ago.  It hasn’t changed much for me, even a year on.
  2. Baking Goals
    My reasons why making goals is just like baking a cake.
  3. My Kids Thoughts on Having a Mother Runner
    Don’t you just love their answers?
  4. Green Smoothie Recipe
    A recipe I created thanks to a product I received with my first GoodnessMe Box.
  5. Ways to Run with Not Gadgets
    Embrace the naked run.

What do you give a High Five to?

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