I was provided with this product for free for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
I sometimes get contacted to review products. So when I was contacted by Brand New Solutions for IsoWhey Sports to review one of their products I of course accepted as their product/s fit/ted my current lifestyle and fitness regime.
IsoWhey Sport’s key philosophy is to provide
The product that I chose for my review was the Electrolyte Formula.
I chose this particular product as I wanted to explore pre-hydration a bit more, as well as try an alternative hydration method on my long runs.

On my long runs or trail runs, I carry my hydration vest full of water as well as a few amazeballs.
To err on the side of caution I decided to carry a separate bottle of the electrolyte blend. I decided on this for a few reasons:

- I have never ran with this product before, so I didn’t know how digestively I was going to handle it.
- If I hated it, what else was I going to have to keep me hydrated.
Thanks to Brooks a few weeks back at the Sandy Point Fun Run, I picked up this nifty collapsible water bottle. It was the perfect size to try out this product during my long runs.
The recommended dose is 2 scoops per 600mls. As this is only a 300ml bottle, I used just 1 scoop, with 300ml of water (as recommended).
When I opened the container I was instantly hit with the smell of pineapples. Pineapples are such a wonderful tropical smell. Added to that tropicalness is the fact that this product is coconut water-based. This creates a natural sweetness, and the mix of the two tropical fruits creates a naturally sweet sherbety fizzy flavour.
The next step was to test this product out in the field.

Donning my trail kit I was dropped off at the end of the Bellfield Fireline and headed back into Halls Gap.
My plan was to alternate from water to electrolyte formula every 2nd song (yes I was listening to music), or whenever I required.
The formula has a tangy (salty but sweet) taste which some people might not like. But since I am a fan of salty & sweet (hello sweet and sour pork, or sherbet), I really liked it. The pineapple taste isn’t overpowering either.
Just try not to squirt it up your nose as this is what happened to me during this run. The drink can be a bit sticky but such is the life of a trail runner, hydration hiccups are bound to happen.
Overall I really liked this product and will continue to keep using it during my training.
Things I have discovered while testing this product the last few weeks have been:
- It’s gentle on the stomach
- It’s assisted with replacing my electrolytes
- It aids my energy, stamina & endurance
- It helps to prevent any muscle cramps and/or spasms during or post-run
- It’s easy to make up
- It works as a post-workout hydration drink
- And I love the sherbety flavour
So if you are looking for something that will keep you hydrated, prevent cramps & has a tropical taste, then this product is for you.
Thanks again to Brand New Solutions & IsoWheySports for letting me review this product.
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