Another Break – due to injury

So I’m required to have another break from running.

Not from being sick, but from a bulged disc, thanks to a coughing fit.  Which all comes down to the cold I had a few weeks ago, where I was forced to take a break.

It all began on Wednesday. I was standing at the sink, coughing out the lurgy that was stuck in my throat and that I obviously wanted to get out.

Then I heard a pop, and then there was a short sharp pain.

Being me I soldiered on. I’m a working mum, it’s what we do.

That night I slept terribly, couldn’t sleep on my right side, and was just uncomfortable.

Woke up the next day with pain coming from my right glute. 

Managed to get through my workday, tolerating the pain.

Once I got home, I got on the foam roller and tried to roll it out.

Had a better night’s sleep, but only because I kept sleeping on my left side.

When I woke up in the morning however the pain level had increased significantly.

Then there were also the pins and needles to deal with.

Pins and needles‘ is a sensation of uncomfortable tingling or prickling, usually felt in the hands or feet. A common cause is leaning awkwardly on a limb, which presses against the nerves. Persistent pins and needles may be symptomatic of more serious conditions, such as nerve disease or nerve inflammation.

The other issue was my right foot was numb.  This wasn’t a good sign.

My self-diagnosis was sciatic.  The last time I had pain in my sciatic nerve like this was back when I was pregnant with Kayla, which was over 10 years ago!

You know something isn’t right when you notice you start to lean to one side, the non-painful side.

Rather than do nothing and hope for the best, I booked myself into the physio.

The Verdict

So TJ doesn’t want me to run for at least a week.

Her main concern was the impact on the nerve.

While not running isn’t ideal, I don’t have another choice, unless I want to cause further damage or get another injury.

So this put my Afterglow training on hold, again.

The Outcome

After some dry needling and muscular manipulation, I noticed some relief.

The pins and needles are still there, but not as bad, but the pain is pretty much gone.

I have some stretches to do every day, and I will be back to see her tomorrow.

Oh, and I have to drink lots of water.

Have you ever experienced a bulged disc?
How long were you injured?
How long was your recovery?
Any tips?

3 thoughts on “Another Break – due to injury”

  1. Pingback: Ultimate Running Date #29 - Run Mum

  2. Pingback: Random Foot Injury - Matilda Iglesias

  3. Pingback: Ultimate Running Date #29 - Matilda Iglesias

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