If you didn’t already know, I’m a working mum now.

I knew that things were going to change in my life once I went back to work.
There have been some not-so-good things, but mostly great things have happened since going back into the workforce.
Working has made me re-assess certain things in my life and has made me realise that there are some things I have to let go of.

Letting go isn’t a burden. It’s actually quite freeing.
So what’s changed? What have I let go of?
Well, it all comes back to my list of goals and priorities.
Do you remember this post – Clear the Plate – keep a to-do list, if you haven’t read it, go check it out.
Keeping a to-do list has helped me re-evaluate the goals and priorities in my life.
By going back and viewing my goals and my push goals, I knew that there were things I had to let go of.
One of the things I let go of was podcasts. I use to listen to podcasts every day. I had the time to listen to them. I still make the time to listen to the ones that interested me the most, but I’ve had to modify my subscriptions, a lot, and I’m ok with that.

The other major change I have to make is the number of blogs I read and comment on. I will read and comment on the ones that interest me and relate to me.
Another change is the way I blog. This doesn’t affect you as the reader in any way, it’s more so the way I develop and schedule my blogs.
Never fear I’m not going anywhere. Changes may occur with the blog, but I’m going to stick around.
Do you need to let go of something?
What made you realise you needed to let go?
How did you feel after you let go