High Five Friday #7

High Five Peeps!

It’s been a crazy 2 weeks here, and I apologise that I have posted anything!

My bad.

With Running, Ballet, and Working, blogging unfortunately has been put to the side.

So First things first, Photos!

Five Pictures


.1. Kayla does ballet, and it was her concert recently.  She looked utterly beautiful in her costumes.  And I’m glad that I got to capture her again in one of her outfits.  Doesn’t she make a pretty ballerina? She’s not sure if she wants to do ballet again, but I really hope she does cause ballet suits her.

.2 & 3. I’ve been training for Run for the Hills for what feels like forever.  It was a special day because it was also my mum’s birthday.  Happy Birthday Mum, I love you, and you are the best!

I’m still writing my race recap, so watch this space in the coming days as it will eventually get posted.

.4. Ok this one isn’t a picture as such but it spoke to me because I really understand it. It bugs when people don’t appreciate what exactly you do, and think it’s “easy” well if it were easy wouldn’t everyone be doing it?

I could keep rambling on about this one, but I won’t.

.5. I was making a stir fry the other day and was feeling the carrot to put in it.  When the carrot was getting to the stub I’m like there has to be an easier way.  Then I remembered a friend mentioning using a fork to hold it in place.  BINGO, the trick worked.  Makes peeling/julienning so much easier.

Five Things

.1. I love Taylor Swift, and I’m totally into her album, so when I happened to come across this video, it really brightened up my pretty crappy day.  You may have already seen it, and even if you have it’s well worth watching again.

.2. I’m so guilty of this, and I’m so glad that Nia Shanks is guilty of it too. It’s such a simple tip too, but definitely one I still need to work on.

.3. I so could have used the Undress on the weekend.  Might have to invest in one.

.4. A friend of mine was asking about carb loading.  We had a very interesting discussion (on a forum).  Someone posted this article about what an Australia (AIS) athlete might eat to carb load. All I can say is “gag, that is so not food, that’s crap”.

At the end of the day, you do what works for you.

.5.  I normally note down where and how I find articles.  I’m not sure where I came across this one.  It’s quite possibly via Brian Tracy. Either way, it’s an article on how implementing these 6 small changes to your morning routine that will transform your entire day, you can read it here.

What are you high-fiving today?

4 thoughts on “High Five Friday #7”

  1. Your daughter is beautiful, I love her ballet costume! If I showed that to my niece she would be super jealous:)
    I am loving Taylor swift as a pop singer so much better too! Love her album, seriously great music and fun, and I don’t care that people at work laugh at me when I tell them I love her songs. I just tell them, haters gonna hate hate hate, LOL
    That’s also a great trail run shot of you too!

    1. Thanks Kristy. I wish I got some shots of her other costume, but alas, i was too busy taking the photo’s to tell her to go change.
      I’m looking forward to Taylor visiting next year for a tour. I think Kayla will want to come too.

  2. Pingback: High Five Friday #8

  3. Pingback: High Five Friday #8

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