Why do we as humans have an aversion in trying something new? Is it fear? Is it because we don’t want to get out of our comfort zone? Is it because we are creatures of habit, and do what we always do because that’s what we are familiar with, or have always done?

If we step outside of our comfort zone we can be show a whole new world of magic and possibilities. I mean how do you know if you are going to like it or not if you don’t try it? And trying it once isn’t enough, you need to give something a go at least 3 times to see if it’s for you or not.
Now I’m not just talking about exercise or health, you should apply this in everything you do and in every aspect of you life.
The reason I’m doing this post is because I have realised that in the last couple of weeks I have been really branching out of my normal routine, and going outside of my comfort zone. I’ve discovered a lot of new things. Which is never a bad thing.
My Something New’s
Exercise – I’m not a huge fan of speedwork. Going around and around on a track = BORING. I’d rather do hill work or hill repeats. Last week however I got a WOD (workout of the day) from Spartan. The workout was 800m repeats, with burpee’s. I modified the burpee amount as I wasn’t sure if I would be able to handle the 60/30 they gave me.
My workout ended up a little like this:
Warm up / Dynamic Stretching
Run 800m / 1 min rest / 30 burpees / 1 min rest
Run 800m / 1 min rest / 20 burpees / 1 min rest
Run 800m / 1 min rest / 10 burpees / 1 min rest
Run 800m
Cool down
Total km – 3.5km
Total burpees – 60
I choose 30 burpees because I thought that would be something I could handle. I also choose a pyramid system just for something different. When I do this again. I will do 25 burpees at each interval, then work my way up to 60.
Did you notice that? Now if you are scratching your head, and thinking “what on earth are you going on about Matilda”, go back up and look. I’ll wait for you *insert waiting music*.
I said WHEN not IF. That’s right, when I do this again. I do plan on doing this workout again, it’s different and it pushes me and that can only make me stronger.
If is such a wishy washy word, it’s not set in stone. When however, that tells me it’s important and is something that will get done.

Recipes – With me doing whole30, a lot of my fav recipes are out. Â Yes I have been modifying some of my favs, esp for the kids, but whole30 is a time for me to rediscover cooking and tastes and textures and more importantly food.
I came across this recipe from Michelle over at NomNomPaleo
Let me tell you *drools* this was DIVINE. Â Like lick the plate clean, it was THAT good. Â And so super easy. Â The kids absolutely loved it too, which is a huge plus in my book, so I will definitely be making this one again that is for sure.
Podcasts – I’m really into listening to podcasts while I do housework. Thanks the Smarter Science of Slim podcast I got onto the Balance Bites podcast, I’ve been listening to some old episodes. An episode that I really enjoyed was episode 71 with Mark Sisson as the guest. Just fabulous, and I recommend you listen to what he has to say in that particular episode.
So they have been my something new. I’ve discovered new things, and guess what?! It wasn’t all that bad, I had winners, and that’s what it’s all about.
Have you tired anything new lately? What was it? How did it go?
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1 – I’m going to be a volunteer at the Victorian Spartan race come October. I haven’t decided yet if I want to do the race, but being a volunteer it does mean I get an free entry to do a race (I just have to pay for insurance) if I choose. Spartan still sends me their WOD, and this particular week I decided to give it a go.
2 – And because of this, I also purchase Diane Sanfilippo’s book “Practical Paleo” for my kobo (it was under $10!). Which is the other new thing, a book that has recipes in it too.
Way to go on branching out of your comfort zone.
I started yoga in the last few months, which is definitely something new for me.
How are you finding the yoga?
Go Matilda! That’s a great workout, I might have to try it once I can do 30 burpees, haha. I’m not really branching out lately, it’s been more of a rediscovery of old things I gave up.
You know what Elizabeth, the more you do the burpee’s the better you get at them. I never thought I could do 10, let alone 30 in a row (I did get a bit tired by 25 though). You could try 10 and go from there.
I love rediscovering old things that I use to love and gave up. It’s like riding a bike, you don’t forget (that’s when you get back into it I mean).
Going out of the comfort zone may be hard, but it is so worth it! Way to go Matilda!!!!
I read a part in a book years back that said something along the lines of, do something each day that makes you nervous or takes you away from your comfort zone. Occasionally I even make it a weekly goal to do something everyday for a week that I wouldn’t normally do. Not always exercise, sometimes its weird stuff like giving a nice compliment to a stranger:)
But it makes life more fun when we do change it up, huh:)
Thanks Kristy, you know what one of my fav quotes is “a life lived in fear, is a life half lived”. Sometimes we have to go out of our comfort zone to see the magic. It’s also a good confidence builder. But yes does make it more fun when you changed it up.
I keep downloading training plans that involve speed work and am too nervous to try…thanks for the inspiration!!
If you want to get faster Meghan then you have to do speedwork or hill work. I rather hills for whatever reason, some others prefer track speedwork, but they do work, so give it a go, you’ve got nothing to loose.
Matilda, I think we were on the same brain wave with our posts this week 🙂
I’m so glad I tried running club and feel like I’m hesitant to try something new because I’m afraid of others’ expectation of me…I think I’m a people pleaser.
Great job stepping out of your comfort zone, keep it up 🙂
You’ll learn loads from a running club Sami, I know I have from mine. I love my club cause everyone is warm and welcoming and everyone encourages one another, so keep at it, and I bet you’ll love it and think “why didn’t I do this earlier?”
Way to go out of your comfort zone! I love speedwork just for that reason it is tough and forces you to be uncomfortable but is great training.
Great Post Matilda! and 100% spot on.
Speedwork really does work even if done only once every couple of weeks.
It does hurt in a different (more intense) way but it is also over a lot quicker than longer runs! Always look at the positive 🙂
I did a lot of speedwork training for a track series this summer and you can actually get to enjoy it. I like the track because I don’t have to worry about anything (hills, cars, uneven roads etc.)… it is all about the running.
For me I am now doing something I haven’t done for a few years (racewalking) and something comepletely different and quite unique (which is racewalking or running after a heavy and hard gym session where I hit my legs with the weights).
This approach is a bit scary (because of how hard it could be), but also really exciting because I think it can take me to another level when I get good at it.
Everyone gets scared (even the best in the world) but it is what you do with that fear that defines you as a person and an athlete.
Found you on the Friday Linkup and look forward to diving more into your site!
Well I’m going back to the track tomorrow to do some more speedwork sessions. Will include the burpees in there.
Now I know racewalking can be tough, esp after a gym session. Good Luck with that Chris.