July Stats

August is here, and that means another month is done and dust towards the Run 1000km in 2013 Goal.

July brought some long runs, but also a few running injuries, pains, no wait problems, yes let’s go with problems. The time off really helped though.  I have the half marathon distance in my legs now, so taking the time off from running wasn’t a huge deal.  I did other cross-training to help, and it ended up helping a lot.

july stats

Overall I only ran 11 times. Quality over quantity they say.  They were quality runs, and well my running problems are still problems, but I’m dealing with them as best as I can.  I might just add “thank you foam roller”.

The Running Total

January – 83.7km
February – 89.3km
March – 110.14km
April – 113.41km
May – 79.93km
June – 106.40km
July –

Total – 676.52km
To go – 323.48km

It’s safe to say that I will get my goal if I keep going at this rate.  As that’s 65km a month, 16km a week. 5.4km if I run just 3 days.  See when you break it down, it’s totally doable.

Have you set yourself any long term running goals?
What’s the most you have run in a month?
What does August have in store for you?

4 thoughts on “July Stats”

    1. I know some people that aim to do the amount of km or mi as per year. So 2013 in 2013, that’s a lot of km for me and just not doable or realistic for my lifestyle. I love having goals as it keeps me motivated.

  1. Wow! You go girl! They are some amazing runs.. you are such an inspiration! I have been really struggling with the horrible flus this month again and I am going through running withdrawals – I can’t wait to feel strong again! I’m so excited you’re going to join in the active life link up! I was hoping you would – you’re such a great ‘active life’ advocate and role model!!!

    See you Tuesday! Enjoy the rest of your weekend

    Aanie xx

    1. Hi Aanie,
      Thanks, I thought i had some good runs too. Being sick sucks, I hope you feel better too. I am looking forward to the link up. I missed fit friday this week, as I just wasn’t very organised (and a bit lazy), but should have something ready for next week either way.
      I think it’s important to be a fit and healthy role model for your kids. As they see you as the example (know what i mean).

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