Monday Motivation – Schedule

As I write this it’s 12:31pm on 12th April 2013.

However by the time you read this, it will be May.

You are properly wondering as to why I am posting this in May, and not when I wrote it.

The answer is that I schedule my posts in advance.

Why I hear you ask?  Well why not for one, but the other reason is that when I get an idea, I put it all down, come back to it, tweak it, put it down, come back to it, etc etc. I like to have what I put out there of quality.

The other reason is so that you don’t get bored of the same thing over and over.

But the main reason, is it keeps me organised.  I might have one day where I write 3-4 posts.  Then I don’t have to worry about a post for 3-4 weeks.  Sure I might have an idea for a post in between, and if I do, I write it up, and work it in with my schedule.

The whole point of this post is to show you that it’s about making time.

Making-TimeWhen you make time for something it tells me, and it should tell you, that that thing/item/person etc is important to you.  It has value to you, it means something to you.

We all make excuses, I’ve sure have made my fair share of them.

Sure there have been things I don’t want to do.  Do I like get up at 5.45am to do an early morning workout?  No.  But I do it, because I know I will benefit from it.

The thing is you need to work out what is important to you.  I have lots of projects that I want to do, but some projects trump other projects in importance.

And sometimes you just gotta dive in their head first even if you have ZERO motivation.  Most of the time you find that you just needed that push to find that the motivation was there it just needed a jump start.

So start making time for stuff.  Even if it’s only 15 minutes.  There are 1440 minutes in a day, surely you can spare 15 minutes to get that project started.  When you do start scheduling your time better you will be surprised at home much you can actually accomplish.


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