LW Kent Sealed Handicap


The SAAC club run is normally on a Saturday at 2pm. This weeks run was a combined race with the SACCC (Ararat Run Club), and so it was held on Sunday at 10am.

I must admit it was nice to have the run done in the morning, and be over by lunch time. It did mean that I had the whole afternoon free. However it meant sacrifice a lazy Sunday morning. Oh well sometimes these things happen.

This was the 1st time I had done this particular run. I was unable to do this run last year (I think I went down to Melbourne for the weekend), so I was looking to tackling new terrain.

The met at the end of the Stawell Airport on Pipeline track. Now I’ve kept hearing stories of this track. Oh it’s lovely except for that hill at the end.

As this was a sealed handicap we all started off at the same time. Silly me hit the wrong button (the page/menu) instead of start, I didn’t realise this until I got 1km into the run. DOH!

We were low on numbers for this run.  Only 11 representing SAAC, which is a shame, but that didn’t stop us having fun.

I ran pretty comfortably at the start, knowing that the hard work was yet to come. I kept behind Richard.  Sharon was behind me at one stage, and then around the 2-3km mark shot out in-front. It wasn’t until about 5km, that Richard and I caught up to her.

It was then that the real work began.

It was a 43m gradual elevation gain over 3km.  Now 43m doesn’t seem that far, but let me tell you it was constant.  You’d go around a bend and you’re still going up.  However all that big hill training obviously has paid off. I came in 2nd for the girls.

I also came in 3rd (by 1 second over Richard), in handicap, which was a surprise, consider I won last week.

Overall it was a great day and a great race.

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