Running easy is one thing, but finishing strong is another thing.
It’s common for runners to go out too hard at the start of a run, and then die in the arse at the end.
This is why practising a fast finish is important to add to your training schedule. A fast finish run will prepare you for race day.
When it comes to speed work, it doesn’t always have to be about hill repeats or intervals. Sometimes all it takes is finishing off your run at a faster tempo.

I like to determine what your “fast” is by what your goal is. This of course will change if it’s 5k to marathon.
Fast doesn’t mean an all-out sprint. It needs to be a pace that you can sustain for that time frame.
The beauty of this workout is you can increase the length of your fast running.
Easy with Fast Finish options
- Easy 35 minutes with 14 minutes Fast Finish
- Easy 40 minutes with 16 minutes Fast Finish
- Easy 45 minutes with 18 minutes Fast Finish
- Easy 50 minutes with 20 minutes Fast Finish
It’s roughly an extra 2 minutes of faster running for every 5 minutes of easy running.
Your goal with a fast finish is to improve not only your speed but your endurance.