When you choose a one-word theme you never know exactly where it’s going to take you.
For 2022 capture was my chosen word.
Did it live up to expectations?
The whole idea with the word was to capture memories, moments, photos and life.

Honestly, it was anything but.
Not one single photo was taken with the big camera. I primarily took photos on my phone, even then I don’t have a lot of photos of the family.
The more I thought about it, the more I realised that this year 2022, has been very different from previous years.
At the end of 2021, we moved out to Halls Gap (25km from Stawell), in order to build our house.
Instead of having weekends where we would spend time as a family going on adventures, we were busy with getting things done with the house.
No adventures meant no photos being taken.
The one investment I did make was to upgrade my google storage. That was worth every penny.
Looking back on 2022, I can see that it was more about surviving than capturing.

There are times in our lives when we live through a season of sacrifice. For us, 2022, was that year.