Back at the start of the year, I set up a little project for you all to join in over on Instagram, The Year of You.
It was a free month-long project to help build up your confidence and mindset so you would have a smashing year.
While I was focusing on you, the one thing I forgot about, was myself.
So I’ve decided to give my responses to this project, right here each Monday.

With a new year, it’s a great opportunity to reflect on the year gone by.
What worked?
The best thing I did for 2018 was invest in a training plan to get my half marathon PB.
Sure there are heaps of free training plans out there, and sure they could have gotten me my goal. However, I know me. I know that I can get lazy and be half-arsed about it, and be like ‘Nah I’ll do this instead’.
By following a plan that I paid for meant that I had to keep myself accountable. It put me out of my comfort zone. It proved that I was capable of doing more.
What failed?
Starting the house build. The amount of red tape, especially through the council. It was delay after delay after delay.
What would you do differently?
I like to think that everything happens for a reason. So why I would have loved to have started the build in 2018, I was able to focus on other things, like de-cluttering.