Another Friday has rolled around, and May is over in a Flash.
What do you give a high five to this week?
May Hero Image

The 6th Run the Gap was run on the 27th of May. I’ve run this course many times, but have volunteered the last few years.
This year I was loaned a camera to take photos up along the wall. That’s when I came across these wood ducks. They are just cute.

Where’s it At is a monthly themed post that I have now combined with High Five Friday.
It’s a collection of random words, that best describe the ins and outs of that month.
Here are this month’s 5 random words.
Finished – The 365 training blanket is complete! That took way longer than expected and I used way more wool than I thought. I shall do a blog post about this soon.
Let me just add, that anything I do now, will be a breeze!
I’m also a pro at shell stitch.
Wrong – I was wrong when I said less last month. I’m now waking up early every day, due to a (I’m hoping is temporary) shift change at work.
Late – Doing the early morning shifts means that I’m now running a few days in the late afternoon, or early evening. It’s different, but the only way to get it done is to just do it as soon as I get home. Or while the kids have their after-school activities.
True – This is a 30-day yoga challenge that was released at the start of the year. While I haven’t done it consecutively for 30 days, I have now completed it.
It has been a wonderful yoga series, that suits any age or ability.
Next – My next challenge is PIIT28. I have started this so many times but have never finished it. This time around I will get it done. Again, it will be complimenting my running workout, so I won’t be doing it every day. I shall keep you posted on how this goes.
Five Things to Listen to
.1. Like a Version
If you love music, then this podcast by Triple J will have you open your ears to new artists. The podcast goes for 15 minutes, and they do an original and a cover.
.2. Mindful Miles
I stumbled across this playlist on Apple music by pure accident. It’s a beautiful playlist of calming music. Great to listen to while you do your recovery stretches or if you need the time out to meditate.
.3. Fierce Girls
I downloaded this podcast to listen to with my daughter. It’s a podcast about Australian women and what they have done for the world, in all parts of history.
Some of these women I had heard of by never knew their story. Definitely a podcast for women of all ages.
.4. Dr. Karl on triple J
If you an Aussie you will know who Dr. Karl is. Dr. Karl makes science fun, and understandable. This show covers all things science, from dark matter, to why the sky is blue.
.5. The James Dunne Show
James Dunne of the Kinetic Revolution has done these short (no more than 15 minutes), daily podcasts on everything running related. You ask the question, he answers.