Completed: My longest-ever event. Twenty-six glorious kilometres of Peaks and Trails. I love trail running, and trail running loves me.
It was at this event that it was the first time (and maybe only time) been on the podium.
Winning: While talking about podium placing, I recently won our local running club (not quite) 5km event.
I didn’t feel like I went fast, and the weather was cold & icy. However, I smashed out the run in a time of 22:20.
Considering: Entering a road half marathon, to see if I can smash out a new PB.
Melbourne Marathon in Oct or Carmen’s in Dec? Oh to decide.
Over: Winter. We have had some gloriously sunny days. Albeit a bit cold, but hello sun where have you been? How I have missed you.
Excited: About our spring holiday. Two weeks with the family doing what we like when we like. It’s going to be FAB!
Made: My ‘Dead Easy Chocolate’ cake the other day. It was of course dead easy, but it was way too sweet! I will have to add less sugar than what is stated. Oh, how my taste buds have changed.
Making: Subtle changes to the website. Have you noticed?
Read: A lot of books in August. 9 in total. 3 of which were audiobooks (a book is a book regardless of the format), and another 2 were kids’ books that I read out loud to Master M. All in all a good month for reading.
Deciding: On what book to read next. Oh, the choices?! One will definitely be ‘Hopeless’ by Colleen Hoover, as it’s a library book, and I want to return it before going away.
Watched: Zootopia. I really wanted to see this one on the big screen with the kids, but it didn’t happen. I was actually really surprised by this movie. It wasn’t at all what I expected (in a good way), and considering all the things that are happening in the world, the message was a clear but timely reminder.
Working: Really sporadic hours. Some weeks are 6 days, other weeks are 3 days. I’ve been taking on extra shifts, but it would be nice to have some more permanent hours.
If you had to pick a collection of words to describe what’s been happening in your life in August, what would you pick?