November was just a whirlwind. A combination of working, editing, and spending time with family saw me with no time to post.
Can you believe we are now in December? The end of the year is fast approaching, so let’s have a catch-up before the craziness really sets in.
Grab a drink (I’m having a Chai), and pull up a chair and let us catch up for our Ultimate Coffee Date.
If we were sitting down for coffee I would tell you that I went to the ballet. Ok so it was my daughter’s ballet concert, and she was just beautiful. She just loves to dance.

If we were sitting down for coffee I would tell you that November saw me watching hitting the trails, in preparation for Afterglow.
In particular, on Sunday 22nd November, we drove down to Dunkeld, so I could run with some other trail runners for Mo in a Mountain, which was a fundraising event for Movember.
We covered 17km that day, it was a pretty cruisey run, and it was a great training run for Afterglow.
After my run, I had a quick shower and got dolled up for lunch at the Royal Mail Hotel. Now, this is a pretty fancy restaurant, and the only reason we were dining here was that I happened to win a voucher for a meal at the Mosaic to Mountain run back in August. It was due to expire, so we figured we would kill two birds with one stone while we were down in Dunkeld.

The kids were so well-behaved, and the meal was spectacular. If we were sitting down for coffee I would tell you that I visited the Bible Museum in St Arnaud.
Tom was visiting the town for work purposes. I tagged along because I’ve only been through St Arnaud, and haven’t had a proper look.

The Bible Museum is really interesting, and has a huge collection of bibles and other related items.
During the months of November to March they also have butterflies. I enjoyed spending time in the butterfly garden.
Wandering the streets of St Arnaud I came across this temperature clock.
The town sure has character and some great architecture.
If we were sitting down for coffee I would tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed my Afterglow run.
I’m so glad that I entered this run. I didn’t race it, I just wanted to go out and enjoy it, and enjoy it I did.
If we were sitting down for coffee I would tell you that my November running total comes to 140km, which brings my yearly total to 1486km (928 mi).
Since I’m so close to 1500km, let’s just smash that out to 1600 before year’s end.
If we were sitting down for coffee what would you tell me?
What are you looking forward to in December?
When is your next race?
I am not really running in December. I decided to ditch training for my early 2016 marathon to focus more on bodybuilding and my next competition in March. As far as December, I am looking forward to building some more muscle and staying on track with my meal plan.
Sounds like a great plan, and I’m sure you’ll smash your goals.
Oh you’ve been up to some fun things! I too have been to the Ballet, in the form of my 10 year old niece, and I couldn’t of been more proud of her:)
If we were sitting down for Coffee I would tell you I am looking forward to making some choices, I have some tough ones coming up and absolutely no idea which direction I am going to go in, but oddly excited at the prospect of figuring it out:)
Good luck with your decision making, whatever you decide will be the right one.