The A-Z Survey

This survey has been floating around my blog circle lately.  It’s fun. Who doesn’t like a little bit of fun?

A to Z Survey

A – Age: 35
B – Biggest Fear: Losing my kids
C – Current Time: 10:09
D – Drink You Had Last: Blueberry Smoothie
E – Easiest Person To Talk To: Tom
F – Favourite Song: Currently Wings by Delta Goodrem
G – Grossest Memory: One of them has to be when I woke up in the middle of the night violently ill, from both ends.
H – Home town: Stawell
I – In Love With: With my kids & Tom
J – Jealous Of No one.
K – Kindest Person You Know: Tom & the kids
L – Longest Relationship: Tom
M – Middle Name: don’t have one
N – Number of Siblings: 1
O – One Wish: That everyone was kind, always.
P – Person You Spoke To On The Phone Last: My Dad.
Q – Question You’re Always Asked: No you can’t be 35?
R – Reason To Smile: my kids
S – Song You Last Sang: Mean by Taylor Swift
T – Time You Woke Up: 7:09 am
U – Underwear Colour: Grey
V – Vacation Destination: We recently went to Tathra and it was wonderful.
W – Worst Habit: Procrastination
X – X-Rays You’ve Had: Teeth, Back, Shoulder
Y – Your Favourite Food: Bacon
Z – Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Your turn! Answer the following questions below:

One Wish?
Drink you last had?
Vacation Destination?

7 thoughts on “The A-Z Survey”

  1. What a fun survey! You can really learn a lot about someone through the alphabet!! I can’t tell my wish or it won’t come true! My last drink was water on my nightstand, and I’d definitely pick somewhere tropical as my vacation destination!

  2. Fun survey!! I might have to do that one. my last drink was warm water with a little bit of lemon juice, and I LOVE going to Walt Disney World with my husband or with my whole family. We always have a great time.

    1. I love water with a bit of lemon juice. Actually I’m really into lime at the moment. So refreshing, and with the weather getting warmer here, might do it more often.

  3. What a fun survey! I might have to do it on my blog, too 🙂 My next vacation destination is San Antonio for a race! I’m excited for the trip since it will be my first visit to Texas!

    1. Yeah go for it, I got this from another blog anyway. I never get tired of survey’s.

      Have fun at your next holiday destination. And good luck for your race too. Which race/distance are you doing?

  4. I love doing surveys! So fun to get to know a little more about you!
    One Wish?- World peace, no more cancer and sleep for everyone! Ok, that was more than one wish. Haha

    Drink you last had?- Water 🙂 Pretty much all I normally drink.

    Vacation Destination? – My dream vacation is to Italy, Croatia, Switzerland, Greece, France, Spain and Austria!

    1. When ever I hear world peace I think “and great gun control” from Miss Congeniality.

      Croatia would be amazing to visit. Anywhere in Europe really.

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