Normally I’m good at scheduling my posts, but with a hectic week, my high-five Friday post just didn’t happen.
Saturday rolled around, and well yeah, life got in the way.
So I thought Yeah Sunday, it’s not quite Friday, but it will do.
Yeah, that didn’t happen either.
It’s now Monday. Oops sorry, bout that. Let’s just pretend it is Friday then.
So let’s get right into it, shall we?
Five Pictures

.1. & .2. The Lake you see is Lake Bellfield. This track is tunnel track. It’s part of the course for Run the Gap coming up in May.
Since I have a trail race coming up in March I need to get some more trail running in. So Tom dropped me off and I ran back into town. I ran all the hills which I’m proud of as those hills are hard work.
Keiran told me when we were out running that time I took a stack that this track is the perfect track to train on in preparation for the Roller Coaster Run next month.
.3. & .4. This lake is lake Fyans.
We have been wanting to take the kids out on the boat for ages, but with unideal weather, we just haven’t been able to.
On this particular day we knew it was going to be hot, so but there was no wind. So we decided to head out onto the lake just after breakfast. The joy on the kid’s faces was just priceless.
The mountains you see in picture 3 are the Grampians. The ones in picture 4 are the black ranges.
.5. Kayla loves using the coffee machine, and whenever someone wants a coffee she jumps at the chance to make one. Just look at this creation, what a beauty! Tasted awesome too.
Five Things
.1. If you didn’t already know I live in Australia. A friend of mine shared this article of 33 bizzare facts on Australia.
I can tell you the following:
- I have been swooped by a magpie
- I have lived in the Durack district
- I have travelled approx 80% of Highway 1
- I love Australian Beaches
- Rabbits are still a huge problem
- The burgers are better at Hungry Jacks (even though I haven’t eaten a burger from there in like 3 years)
- I loved eating it when it came out
If I had to describe Australia the Seekers round it up in I Am Australian, Rai Thislewaite samples part of the song in this version, which describes our great land too.
.2. We are our own worst critics. So be kind to yourself, you never know who is listening.
.3. I’m currently listening to Scott Jurek’s Eat & Run. I haven’t finished it yet, but there are a lot of things I can relate to it. This is why I can totally relate to the article (and Scott’s book) Eat to Perform wrote about 10 things the best athletes do that you don’t.
.4. Ok another Buzzfeed article, but this one is about running. There were way too many that I could relate too – How much does running rule your life?
.5. Andrea of Happy Fit Mumma shared this on her High Five Friday post (here). As a runner, I of course had to save the article, and yes I do these exercises, and so you should too. Strength Training for Runners
Once again my apologies for a late high Friday.
What are you looking forward to this week?
Loving the pictures! Seriously, when I finally make it to Australia I am so hitting you up for recommendations! I have a feeling I am going to need a month to see all I want to, especially since I want to visit New Zealand to when I get to that part of the world:) Frankly, I just need to become independently wealthy and that would solve it all, LOL
I have been swooped by a magpie too, we get a lot of them in my backyard. When I was a kid, I even nursed a baby back who fell and lost his mother, and then helped release him. LOL I remember taking him to school for show and tell in the 4th grade so all the kids could watch me feed him mashed up worms, LOL
You will so long the trails here, I just know it.
The magpies here when they don’t swoop are actually hilarious to watch.
Those pictures are gorgeous! Congratulations on running all of the hills on your trail run. Trail running is hard, then throw in hills? Great job! Also, thanks for the links. I have been looking for some information on strength training for runners.
You’re welcome
Pretty pictures! I love trail running! It can be tough, but having pretty scenery makes it worthwhile to me! 🙂
Trail running is all about the view for me. You don’t get that (much) with road.