The Ultimate Check in #2

Yes, I’m fully aware it’s Tuesday.  Yes, I know the Ultimate Coffee Date is usually posted on a Saturday.  So let’s pretend it’s still the weekend shall we?

You see I was on holiday and never got the chance (nor did I want to) to do this post.

So here it is. Grab your drink and sit down and relax so we can check in which what’s been happening in September.

If we were sitting down for coffee I would tell you 

September was a great month for running.
I hit my goal of 100km for the month and clocked over 103.7km

That brings my progressive running total to 813.92km.

Only 186.08 to get to 1000km for 2014.

If we were sitting down for coffee I would tell you that I had a really good holiday.


We travelled up to Sydney via Melbourne, Canberra & the NSW south coast.

Two weeks flew by, and I tell you what I need for a holiday from my holiday.

I did my first runset (running at sunset) in Canberra.  It nearly didn’t happen, as it was peak hour and we got lost, and we were all a bit flustered, but it was totally worth it in the end.


The sunset over Lake Burley Griffth was just magical.
Canberra is now on the list to revisit for a holiday or a running event (or both).

If we were sitting down for coffee I would tell you that I’ve discovered Strava and really like it. I’m just using the free version but has insights that other programs don’t have.

If we were sitting down for coffee I would tell you that I’m now a working mum.
I’ve just taken up a part-time job at one of the supermarkets in town.  It was the change I needed.

So what’s been happening with you?

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