March Running Stats

Wow we are in April! April People! One Quarter of the year has gone already! FAR OUT man, this year is flying by!

So I guess it’s time for a March Run Down, pun intended and all.

How did things go down in March?  Really well.  I’m very happy with my running effort.


 The graph speaks for itself.  Except for the fact that the total distance is not correct.


Even the total distance in run keeper isn’t correct, but better than Nike+.

So what happened?

I blame Run For The Kids.  Why?  Well it was Transurban’s Domain Tunnel, that was the problem.  I lost gps signal.  In fact anyone doing the long course and was wearing a gps watch would have lost signal.  The only problem is that these programs weren’t smart enough to connect the dots, and add that distance on like connect Garmin did.  See when I transferred the information from Garmin to run keeper and Nike, I lost km.
I would show you the Garmin Data, but I only had my watch for half of the month, so only recording 63.95km on it.  So no point.

The correct distance would be what Run Keeper has logged.  But adding on another 1.54 km that it took off when I did Run For the Kids (as it had it logged as 13.16 km, and not 14.7 km).

Total distance 110.14 km ran for March.  That would have to be the furthest I have ran in a month.

The breakdown is as follows:
January – 83.7 km
February – 89.3 km (I recalculated this, and this is the correct number)
March – 110.14 km
Total – 283.14 km
To Go – 716.86 km

April brings me my 1st half marathon for the year (7th April), and the start of the SAAC run club season. So I’m going to go out there and totally rock my runs.

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