We are halfway through March already! Far out this year is just flying by!
But um where are my running stats for Feb do I hear you ask? Ok, ok, ok, I thought I had posted them, or at least scheduled to post them, but for whatever reason, that did not happen. So sorry about that.
So how did running go in February? Pretty good actually. I ran 3 days a week as per my schedule and everything is on track. Yay!

Total distance 88.92km done and dusted for February.
The breakdown is as follows:
January – 83.7km
February – 88.9km
Total – 172.6km
To Go – 827.40km
I did have some pretty interesting runs. I got to run all over Steve Monaghetti. I made him by biatch. Ok so I didn’t exactly run all over him like you think I did. It was a track named after him in Ballarat, but still 🙂 I did have a good time on that track.
I also had a very long run where I thought I was dying, it was so hot and humid, you can read about it here.
Overall I’m really happy with how things have been tracking. I’m going to still be running 3 days a week, and strength training 3 other days, but I’m going to concentrate more on speedwork.
I have a love-hate relationship with speedwork. I don’t like it. I do like hill training, however (go figure). So I’m going to incorporate v02 max workouts on the track at least once every 2 weeks. Well, that’s the plan at least.