High Five Friday #21

It seriously does not feel like 2 weeks have past.

School holidays have been and gone.  I swear days keep merging into one another.

It has been one seriously cold winter here for us.  Hasn’t been this cold in ages.  I’m not going to complain about it because we have been getting a lot more rain, and we need it.

Five Pictures


.1. Headed out to Halls Gap for a trail run.  I decided to run out to Heatherlie Quarry, which is about a 20km round trip.  I ran 8km, came back, and then climbed Chautauqua Peak, just finishing shy of 20km.  It was perfect run nutrition-wise.

I did take this run super easy.  There were deceptively long hills.  I had to leave fuel in the tank for the Chautauqua Peak climb.  Got a View of mist at the top, but I did it.

According to strava I got the fastest downhill climb (females), for Chautauqua Peak.  Not bad considering the conditions of the track were muddy and wet, and not exactly ideal.

.2. After my long run on Monday I slotted into 2nd position for Run Down Under.  I had to screenshot it, cause I knew I wouldn’t be up there for the rest of the week.

Overall the run took me 2h30m to cover the 20km, however, I was going slow, so I’ll be getting my sub 2h30m trail time for Mosaic to Mountain in two weeks’ time for sure. I’m excited!

.3. Miles got a Rubik’s Cube as a prize for a club run event a few weeks back.

I really wanted to try to solve it for him.  So with the help of youtube, I did it.

.4. My sister came up to visit us for a few days over the school holidays.  She has never walked the Pinnacle! So we decided to walk it together. Kids loved it too.

.5. Tom and I walked up to Mt Stapylton, by George it was icy up top, love this selfie of us.

Five Links

.1. RunningSix things you’re doing that Elite Athlete’s aren’t. If you are a parent, you can so relate.

.2. Fitness – A friend of mine posted a really interesting article about squatting, and how squatting is and will be different for everyone.  As it all comes down to our hips.  This video will give you a Quick Hip Assessment for Squatting.

.3. Running Nutrition – Good nutrition is important for any training plan no matter what level you are. This article gives you the run down for Nutrition basics

.4. DonateShoes for Plant Earth collect your old running shoes and give them to those in need.

.5. RunMum – For those interested in doing a Whole30 check out my Self Evaluation which was part of the exercise.

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