In 10 Years Time


Lets step back in time 10 years.

It’s the year 2004. I’m living with my sister in Caulfield, Melbourne.

I’m single, and I’m working full time in a call centre.  It’s not my ideal job, but it’s a job and it pays the bills.

Back then I had no idea what my life was going to be like in 2 years time, let alone 10 years time.

Would I have changed anything back then (2004)? Properly not because then I wouldn’t be were I am today. And I really like/love my life and where it’s heading.

2004-runmumThis is me back in 2004 on a family holiday in Tasmania.  Yeah I was a lot bigger back then (a size 14ish, around 70kg | 154lbs). I had a great time on this holiday, and I can’t believe it’s been 10 years since I’ve been to Tasmania, I must get back there one day.

Now lets flash forward until today.

It’s May 2014, I’m living in the country.  I have 2 great kids.  I have a partner/boyfriend who I & the kids love and is my best friend *. I enjoy my life and everything that has to offer.

In ten years time it will be 2024.  I’ll be 42. I will be happy and I will be loving my life.

I still see myself living in Stawell. 05Sep2010_9608

Yep even in the same house, except by 2024 it will have doubled in size.

We will have restored the Original part of the house to it’s full glory.
Well that’s the plan. It will be energy sufficient, with solar power panels, energy bricks, water tanks, veggies patches & fruit trees.

The kids will be in high school, which is a scary thought.
Our family may even have grown from 4 to 5.

I will be working full time in mine/our own web business’s.

I will be THE baby and family photographer that people go to and recommend.

And of course, I will still be running.

10 years ago, did you picture yourself where you are today?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Do you set long term goals?



1 * – I sometimes refer to Tom as my Husband.  We aren’t married, but we do act like an ‘old’ married couple.  He doesn’t live here permanently (yet), which is why sometimes I refer to myself as a “single” parent.  Confused? Don’t worry it is confusing.

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